Celebrate 10 years of OneGenAway!

Celebrate 10 years of OneGenAway!

You are invited to celebrate with us! This year’s Million Meal Spring Breakfast will have added flair as we celebrate OneGenAway’s 10th anniversary. OneGenAway was officially established in 2013 by Chris and Elaine Whitney. Over the past decade, the...
Come to our Florida ribbon-cutting ceremony!

Come to our Florida ribbon-cutting ceremony!

One Generation Away is growing in the Florida panhandle, and we invite you to celebrate with us! Those who have followed OneGenAway for a while know that we’ve been serving with local churches in Panama City, Florida since Hurricane Michael in 2018. Well, now it’s...
One year after the Waverly flood

One year after the Waverly flood

Do you know how special it is to meet someone for the first time, hear about what’s going on in their life — their highs, their lows, the obstacles they’re working through — and then to meet them one month later, a big smile on their face, and hear them say, “Guess...
The helpers could leave. But sometimes they stay.

The helpers could leave. But sometimes they stay.

“It just never ceases to amaze me the kindness and generosity people have shown our town.” Becky knows most everyone in Waverly. As she volunteered at our mobile food pantry, she was cutting up all day with the volunteers and those receiving food. “They’re laughing at...