by Tori Keafer | May 3, 2022 | General, Stories
Not many stories about God begin with a cuckoo clock, but Anne’s does. We met Anne and her friend Susan at the front of the line at our mobile food pantry. For having been there since 6 a.m., they were rather sprightly, and Anne was ready to hook us: “I want to tell...
by Tori Keafer | May 2, 2022 | General, Stories
God is certainly in the big moments, but something about his small blessings communicates such abundant love. We recently got an email from a volunteer, Kim, that began, “I want to share a story of hope.” We leaned in. Several years ago, Kim became a single mother for...
by Tori Keafer | Apr 23, 2022 | General, News
Nonprofit food ministry stretches goal to $250K through The Big Payback Carlos Whittaker speaks about creating, receiving, and rescuing hope at One Generation Away’s 2022 Million Meal Spring Breakfast. The Middle Tennessee community raised a record amount for...
by Tori Keafer | Apr 12, 2022 | General, News
Three clergymen walk into a food warehouse and drop off a $20,000 check. Sounds like the set up to a joke, but it is an incredible and humbling truth. A couple months ago, Fr. Ed Steiner and Fr. Rhoades Bolster of St. Philip Catholic Church came to tour OneGenAway’s...
by Tori Keafer | Apr 4, 2022 | General, Stories
It’s hard to ask for help. So much of American culture preaches independence, self-sufficiency, the ability to stand alone. But we were never meant to be alone. Right? At OneGenAway, each day of service is another day of encountering people in places they never...