The first food bag deliveries from The Doorstep Pantry went out in an unexpected rainstorm. It was not the way we’d hoped to start beta-testing this new program, and after all the bags had gone out and the clouds burst with a solid 20 minutes of heavy rain, we worried over all the soggy bags of food resting at our neighbors’ doorsteps.

But then we got a call. It was Ms. Patty, who lives in a neighborhood where we were testing the program.

“I heard the thunder and rain, and I knew my windows were cracked slightly open, so I went dashing out my front door onto my porch, and at the top step of my porch was one of your beautiful bags filled with groceries,” Ms. Patty said. “I’m just calling to say thank you.”

Ms. Patty brightened up our rainy day. As she munched on the crackers we put in her tote bag (the box may have gotten soggy, but the sealed plastic bag protected the crackers from the rain), she told us that she was going to share the food with her neighbor, who experiences food insecurity and doesn’t own a vehicle.

“I think this program is fantastic, especially for people in need like my neighbor,” she said. “There are a lot of people moving here, and some may not be able to do a lot financially. I’ll pass the word on to everybody.”

We are so thankful for Ms. Patty’s heart for others and her encouraging spirit. If you know anyone who would be blessed by a grocery delivery this week, tell them about The Doorstep Pantry!