Director of Operations

“There’s no place I would rather be on a Saturday morning than at a food distribution,” Scott said. “You should join me! Warning: it may change your life.”
Scott, our Director of Operations, is always ready to crack a joke, but on the inside, he’s really just a big softie. He is passionate about OneGenAway’s policy to not require any paperwork or qualifications to receive food. We give, no questions asked.
“If you are in need of food, just show up and let us love on you,” he said.
Scott oversees the warehouse and programmatic operations of OneGenAway, which not only include the Mobile Pantry on Saturdays but food rescue and warehouse operations every day of the week.
Many people are taken aback when they meet with Scott for the first time and ask if it’s possible to receive some food, and he simply says: “Done. How else can we help you?”
Scott is generous with his time, his effort, his resources, and his words. And somehow, he remains one of the most humble people you’ll ever meet.
“I am proud that, in spite of all my imperfections, that God chooses to use me here at OneGenAway,” he said.
We are just as proud.